Zara Davis World Record 46.49knots
Zara Davis (born 13 July 1966 in Bristol, England) is an English windsurfer. She holds the outright World Women’s Nautical Mile speed record for a sailing vessel. The record was achieved in Namibia in 2006 and ratified by the World Sailing Speed Record Council. She has since improved this record for the Nautical Mile to 37.29 knots at La Palme in the South of France. Ratified by the World Sailing Speed Record Council.
She also held the Windsurfing World Women’s 500m record. Set in Luderitz Namibia in November 2012 held it for 3 years and regained it again in 2017 with a speed of 46.49 knots over the 500m course. It has been ratified by the World Sailing Speed Record Council.
Zara has won the ISWC European speed championships 6 times and the ISWC Speed World Championship 3 times, she is also ranked No1 in the world by the ISWC International Speed Windsurfing Class.