Day 8 – 5 National Records


200 runs have been made today!

Today was the TOP performance day of the 2014 event with 50+Knots performances recorded, as well as many PBs and four country records falling.

Strong 30-35 knots winds were forecast for today and this proved true, however, the angle of the wind only allowed for optimal performances towards the end of the day’s racing.

The fastest speed of the 2014 event was recorded today by Italian Champion Patrik Diethelm registering an impressive new Italian Record of 51.18Knots. In fact, Patrik achieved 50Knots+ speeds almost four times consecutively – he was in unbeatable form.

Three other National Records fell; Ex- German and once again German Champion, Christian Bonermann with a new record of 48.82Knots, Denis Vladimirov with a new Russian Record of 47.67Knots (broke it 3 x!) and Zoran Jovanovic with the new Serbian Record of 39.4Knots (done in Kitesurfing).

The Belgium Alain de Gendt has also broken a record today in “Production Board” category of his country: 46.66 kts.

Many excellent Personal Bests were also recorded today;

Jim Cloarec (France) who started the day with 46.20kts and ended with a superior 48.33Knots, 90s legend, Thierry Bielak (France) destroyed his all-time best with an excellent 48.02 knots having started the day with his PB from his 1993 record (45.34 kts), Raffaello Gardelli (Sweden) started with 44.92 and ended with an improved 46.78Knots, Pierre Blasini (Corsica) started with a relatively slow speed of 38.09kts and finally registered a superb PB of 45.28Knots! Other impressive PBs were recorded by Alain Montauzou (France) with 45.51Knots, Yann Coadic with a fast 47.55 Knots. Newcomer to the speed sailing world and wave riding superstar, Chris Bertish (South Africa) achieved an impressive final speed of 42.73 Knots.

DAY 8 in Lüderitz at this remarkable canal and spot, the day’s exciting racing changed lead several times! Grabbing the lead initially was Jim Cloarec (France), then Raffaello Gardelli (Sweden), Thierry Bielak (France), then Christian Bornemann (Germany) with a new national record and finally, TOP performer of the day, as well as the entire 2014 event, Patrik Diethelm (Italy).

DAY 8 has provided some of the best and top performances of the 2014 event despite not optimal conditions and thus proves once again that the channel created by Sebastien Cattelan, the first man to smash the 50Knots+ barrier, to be THE best spot on the world speed sailing circuit.

Until soon…

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